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Is Christmas a Pagan Festival?
Giving people something that they need is a good godly way to show love and help others. However, the giving season could be so much better with much more joy. Solving and avoiding the below problems will mean everyone will have a much happier time. Man's system is about giving, but it is about giving in the wrong way. It is about using the festive season to seek profit and gifts in return. It is about pride or showing others that you are better by being able to afford expensive gifts. It is about giving unnecessary expensive things that people often do not want. Christmas actually started as a pagan festival. Nobody knows what day or month Christ was born. People claim that Christmas has now been turned into a Christian festival but the problem is that it is mainly not Christian. In fact, many of the things involved with Christmas are pagan or Satanic. Many people see Santa as a God. He is certainly distracting people from the real God. In the Bible other gods were condemned. There are many good gifts, but there are also many that are not useful and take over people's lives. The believers in God in the Bible certainly did not go to the people with pagan gods, and turn their festival into a partly Christian festival while allowing pagan activities to continue. Pagan activities were totally removed from the living or worshiping presence of the believers. In the Old Testament are many examples of where God was angry if they did not totally remove the pagan idols. Christmas and Easter have to a great extent lost their true meanings and are largely about buying unnecessary products from multinationals. This is giving multinationals more profit and power and causing financial misery for poor people. The commercialisation of Christmas and Easter and the buying of Easter eggs and gifts which people don't need etc. are a way for the world system to focus people away from what they should be using their money and time for. As indicated by the following reference the pagan roots of Christians stem from Mother and Child worship that begin in Babylon. They believed that the Goddess derived her godhead and glory from the son. The system of worship was passed down through later civilizations. The names of their gods were changed. The cults established holy days. On the Winter Solstice the birth was celebrated for the son of Isis the Egyptian Queen of Heaven. The following section in italic print is quoted in an article by By Mark S. Watson. "As time passed, this Mother Goddess religion transformed itself into various fertility cults that flourished in the ancient world. These mystery schools had special important 'holy' days that were celebrated. Consider this, it was during the Winter Solstice that the son of Isis the Egyptian Queen of Heaven, birth was celebrated. It is very interesting to note that these festivals were not celebrated by the Church of the first two centuries of its existence[iv]. . . . Some of the early church fathers have commented on the exchanging of gifts at Christmas time as being an observance of Saturnalia, a pagan winter festival. The Babylonians had an old fable of an evergreen tree[v] that sprang out of a dead tree stump symbolizing Nimrod, later known among the mystery schools as Tammuz. The Bible makes some reference of these pagan customs and holidays (Jer 10:3-4; Ezek 8:13-14; 1King 14:23). These all occurred during the winter solstice, that is, the time the 'Church' celebrates Christmas. The risen 'child god' rises from the dead three days after the winter solstice. The celebration today is commonly referred to today as Christmas. This is clearly NOT a Christian holiday. Despite the traditions of men, passed of as truth in the modern American Pulpit, this Holiday, is deceptively decked with lots of goodwill, songs and presents in order to deceive the masses into rejecting the truth. . . . The only day Christ commanded us to celebrate was the Last Supper, the church has even missed to boat on this too, as Christ COMMANDED us to drink wine and eat bread in remembrance of him. . . .Easter is another Babylonian abomination that has made its way into the Christian mainstream. The name actually comes from Ishtar, the Goddess of fertility in Assyria. However, this is simply the Babylonian Goddess Astarte, who was the consort for Baal. Being the Goddess of fertility, it was only natural that the favorite symbol of fertility be used in the spring festival that we now call Easter, that being the egg. Easter Eggs are the most visible representation of the fertility aspect of the spring pagan festival. Pastors who celebrate this are in grave violation of the Commands of Christ when they conduct the passion of Christ during this time. The Scriptures are very clear when Jesus was crucified it was on Passover. We know exactly when Passover is and we know that is when Jesus was crucified. Why does the mainstream 'Church' continue in the pagan abomination? Many mainstream pastors will never speak out about these and other abominations in mainstream (Protestant and Catholic) Christianity, if they did they would find themselves no longer welcome on Christian T.V., lucrative Church Circuit speaking engagements and may find their books will not be published by large 'Christian book' publishing houses." |
Remember: Make a change for the better by doing things God's way and not man's way.
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We could start a great new move of God with much joy, contentment, healing, prosperity & hope.
The full report is either on many short pages below or you may find it
easier to read it all on the one page.
Will Many Be Saved or is Salvation for a Very Small Percentage?
The First Steps to Salvation.
There are Many Things to Think Positive About.
Solutions. A Great New System and Christian Fellowship Group.
The Answer to a Workforce Problems and Solutions.
Charging Money Suppresses and Discriminates.
Facts and Statistics on the World System.
Be Wary of Doubtful Doctrines Including Ones on Hell.
A Powerful Challenge to Bring Revival.
The Benefits of Sharing & the Danger of Not.
Lukewarm Churches Mixed With the World.
Is Christmas a Pagan Festival?
True Conspiracies Affecting Everyone.
Are leading evangelists really Christians?
Does the Bible say that we need competition?
Yoking With Unbelievers.
The Danger of Fiction.
Education. Is it doing more harm than good?
What does God Think of the most Popular Things?
Are Christians??? in Trade Unions in Danger?
Challenging Questions on Unnecessary Things.
Is the Church Teaching the Correct Things? Should we be Using the Gifts of the Spirit?
The Confusion Between Judging and Boldly Rebuking, Warning or Correcting Someone.
We are Commanded to Preach.
Are There Times Where you Should Not Help Others.
A Positive Conclusion with the Solutions.
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