![]() | has much more than just info on a Christian group. |
It is much better to start with the easy reading summary of the many topics covered.
A Christian Group or Community Sharing Like the Apostles
The reasons why we should seek first the kingdom of God by trying to form or find a group like the Apostles are endless. Imagine the benefits if we could move in the spirit like the Apostles. People would be guided by God instead of stumbling around blind folded making the wrong decisions. We may not have to spend eons of our lives looking for things and making decisions. There may be little or no need for traditional medical therapy, as people could be supernaturally healed. There would be certainty, direction and less frustration. There would be more love, a great relationship with God and little worry. There would be a revival with maybe even skeptics coming to the Lord when they see things happening. Imagine the time it would save if we were divinely led
as explained above.
We need to strive for such a system, but to achieve it we must obey God. We need a group dedicated to God to spend time doing God's will. I believe one of the most important things is to find where the genuine Christians are, so that we can have fellowship with them and grow. Strong proof and maybe video evidence is needed, as so many people have been given false claims. To achieve this, people must start working for the Lord's system. To make time for the Lord they must stop seeking money for unnecessary or ungodly things, and stop working for the inefficient corrupt mainstream system that is serving Satan. You have a great opportunity to search for some genuine Christians who are harnessing God's supernatural power. Everyone has some means to search. If you have money, you could advertise, fund searches and help pay for the cost of printing and distributing information. Also, you could fund the travel expenses of people who claim to be led by God and moving in the supernatural so that they could visit us. You don't have to agree with me. You can do your own searching. If you can find someone moving in the supernatural they may change some of my ideas. If you want to change my ideas search for a group that is serving God and moving in the supernatural. I would like them to come and work with me. Please help to achieve such a good system by sharing this information with others, as we need to care about them. Reading this could be the difference between them going to Heaven or Hell. Such a good system can only be formed if people like you obey God and change from working for a corrupt, inefficient system to a much better system to help achieve God's will. Otherwise, I fear, dear brothers and sisters, you may be found guilty in God's sight of not helping to do God's work. Also, if you work for and promote evil things it distracts people from God's plan and it can also destroy lives and lead people away from God. Please continue for more information and proof of these facts and statistics. Please inform me of other people you know who have similar beliefs. Could you also help me find committed believers who can prove that God has a hand in their lives. To achieve this I believe we need to get this information out to as many people as possible. Then there could be a revival. Please help me achieve this. |
The full report is either on many short pages below or you may find it
easier to read it all on the one page.
Will Many Be Saved or is Salvation for a Very Small Percentage?
The First Steps to Salvation.
There are Many Things to Think Positive About.
Solutions. A Great New System and Christian Fellowship Group.
The Answer to a Workforce Problems and Solutions.
Charging Money Suppresses and Discriminates.
Facts and Statistics on the World System.
Be Wary of Doubtful Doctrines Including Ones on Hell.
A Powerful Challenge to Bring Revival.
The Benefits of Sharing & the Danger of Not.
Lukewarm Churches Mixed With the World.
Is Christmas a Pagan Festival?
True Conspiracies Affecting Everyone.
Are leading evangelists really Christians?
Does the Bible say that we need competition?
Yoking With Unbelievers.
The Danger of Fiction.
Education. Is it doing more harm than good?
What does God Think of the most Popular Things?
Are Christians??? in Trade Unions in Danger?
Challenging Questions on Unnecessary Things.
Is the Church Teaching the Correct Things? Should we be Using the Gifts of the Spirit?
The Confusion Between Judging and Boldly Rebuking, Warning or Correcting Someone.
We are Commanded to Preach.
Are There Times Where you Should Not Help Others.
A Positive Conclusion with the Solutions.
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Copyright 1998 - 2005 by Richard Hole.