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Yoking With Unbelievers
It is good to mix with unbelievers to love and convert them. If you can convert them, then you can happily yoke together. We should revisit some people even if they don't believe at first, as conversion can take time. Jesus did the right thing by loving and mixing with sinners and tax collectors for the purpose of converting them. But he did not yoke, work and live with the same people if they did not believe. Jesus and the Apostles moved on if people did not believe, and met other people, trying to convert them. However, the false church of today is wrongfully encouraging people to live or work with the same unbelievers, and also work for the corrupt system, which is now worse than it was in the time of the Pharisees. If you work or live with someone it is a natural psychological thing to copy them. There is more chance people will be led astray if they live or work with bad company. If they are yoked with bad company, Christians are tempted to do unchristian acts which can lead them away from God. It is therefore obvious why the Bible warns us not to yoke with unbelievers. 2 Corinthians 6:14 Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness? 15 And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel? 16 And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people. 17 Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you. God is calling us to come out and be different to the mainstream, and not to be the same as or follow the mainstream. Living with unbelievers sometimes cannot be helped. For example, someone may need to live with their parents or someone to care for them so that they can gain the practical help that they need. In such cases an effort should be made to find committed Christians to live with. However, this can often take some time. The problem with many places in the workforce today is that Christians are associating with the same unbelievers for a long time each day. It is fine for Christians to work with other Christians, or by themselves. They could also work for an unbelieving boss in a non-corrupted workforce, so long as the believer is not influenced by or in close proximity to the same unbelievers for a significant period of time. The problem with associating with the same unbelievers is that people are drawn into bad company, and exposed to work place bullying. For the above reasons, it is probably best not to work with an unbeliever, unless it is only for a very short time and not often. Christian volunteer work doing God's will is the best work that you can do, as you don't take more money than you need, and you can easily avoid being yoked with a corrupt workforce or unbelievers. I am not saying that we should isolate ourselves from the world. We should mix with unbelievers in the world to minister to them and help them. But we should not be living or working with the same unbelievers for a long time if they refuse to listen or believe. Working with unbelievers would be fine if we do not have to experience their company too often. For example, we could have unbelieving members in some of the groups explained at advantagein.com/extraordinary.htm or advantagein.com/overview.htm . We could work with and help unbelievers, but we would not be in their company for several hours a day and every day like in the secular workforce. People have written stating that we need to work in the world system to get to know and convert those around us. But how much time do you think the system of long working hours and pressure would allow for that? Someone not in the corrupt workforce would be able to meet and minister to more people in a day than someone working for the corrupt system may do in years. They would not be bound by corrupt regulation that puts profit before people. Someone not pressured by the system would have more time to visit and help and minister to people, yet they could still work on something that they are talented at with other Christians. Non-Christians would see Christians setting the example to practice their ministry instead of giving the impression that it is fine to be part of the world. |
Remember: Make a change for the better by doing things God's way and not man's way.
This report helps you know and avoid the dangers,
and do practical things a much better and more efficient way.
We could start a great new move of God with much joy, contentment, healing, prosperity & hope.
The full report is either on many short pages below or you may find it
easier to read it all on the one page.
Will Many Be Saved or is Salvation for a Very Small Percentage?
The First Steps to Salvation.
There are Many Things to Think Positive About.
Solutions. A Great New System and Christian Fellowship Group.
The Answer to a Workforce Problems and Solutions.
Charging Money Suppresses and Discriminates.
Facts and Statistics on the World System.
Be Wary of Doubtful Doctrines Including Ones on Hell.
A Powerful Challenge to Bring Revival.
The Benefits of Sharing & the Danger of Not.
Lukewarm Churches Mixed With the World.
Is Christmas a Pagan Festival?
True Conspiracies Affecting Everyone.
Are leading evangelists really Christians?
Does the Bible say that we need competition?
Yoking With Unbelievers.
The Danger of Fiction.
Education. Is it doing more harm than good?
What does God Think of the most Popular Things?
Are Christians??? in Trade Unions in Danger?
Challenging Questions on Unnecessary Things.
Is the Church Teaching the Correct Things? Should we be Using the Gifts of the Spirit?
The Confusion Between Judging and Boldly Rebuking, Warning or Correcting Someone.
We are Commanded to Preach.
Are There Times Where you Should Not Help Others.
A Positive Conclusion with the Solutions.
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