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Unless you find it difficult to read off a computer the purpose of the booklets is to share the information with people who do not use the Internet. It is much more economical and up-to-date if people do view the information online. If you know of someone who may be interested in reading this information please email me. I can mail a copy directly to them or, preferably, mail it to you and have you make photocopies of it for them and other people.
Booklets are free so I will not charge anything for the cost of printing, photocopying, postage or handling. But please be aware that this information is costly so please only accept a copy if you are either willing to thoroughly read it or pass it on to someone else who is. I choose to rely on donations because I don't believe in charging people for this information. If I did charge people it would disadvantage the needy, be too inefficient and suppress the information. However, if someone has finances and is willing to donate, it would be much appreciated.
If you do not have sufficient finances please do not feel bad about freely accepting the information. It is important to get it to as many people who are interested as possible. You do not need to donate to help. You can do it by:
1. Writing any comments, suggestions and corrections on these booklets or the website and then returning them to me.
2. Distributing this information, which may only be sharing it with those you know.
3. Asking people if they could help print or distribute the information or make a donation.
The booklets have almost identical content to the corresponding information on the linked web sites. Booklets are printed on A4 paper but other formats could be made available on request. To print the booklets from the below files you may be able to use any sized paper. Please let me know if you want me to send you several copies of the same booklet to distribute or if you are able to photocopy or print them.
It is best to only give the information to those who are interested. When you meet people, ask them if they would like the information, after showing them the first page. You can also state that it is rare information that can help many people. If they are interested in accepting a copy, suggest that it would be good if they could write comments on the papers and provide feedback. Some methods of distribution could include asking targeted public outlets such as Christian book shops if they can display the information. You could also distribute papers at churches or markets.
When you meet people who are interested, you could ask them for their email address. Then you could email them the recommended letter for their emailing list. They are more likely to visit the site if they receive it by email and can just click on a link to see more information.
It is good to follow up and see the people again to ask them if they read the information and if they have any comments or wrote anything on the paper. If they wrote anything you could tell them to show it to you if possible. After they have read the information, ask people if they want more copies to share or more detailed information to read. If they do not want it for future reference you could ask them to either pass the information on or give it back to you. They may even know of someone who would be happy to make copies.
A good idea would be to contact relevant organizations that are interested in the content of the papers. You can ask them if it is possible for them to photocopy the booklets or papers. Many organizations who like the information would be happy to freely photocopy it on high speed copiers. An idea would be to write to organisations that would be likely to do this. I do have a suggested letter you can send. If you do not receive a reply it could pay to ring or visit them to ask them if they received the letter. You can also ask them what the letter states.
Other people or organizations may not be able to copy the information, but they would be willing to distribute it. This could be done by inserting it in their newsletters or leaving it on their table where the public can see it. If you know of anyone who is able to copy or distribute the information please let me know.
Disagreement is common among committed Christians who could work together to form a team to share the gospel and find committed believers. As a result they often don't work together. However, there is a solution which is to focus on what we do agree on. If there is disagreement, I suggest that people can state something like the following paragraph when sharing the information.
If you are concerned that people may think that you are endorsing some doctrine which you may not necessarily agree with, you are welcome to state something like "I do not agree with everything, but it is still well worth reading". I believe that it is worth getting opinions of others, on it irrespective of whether you fully agree or not, because changes can be made, and many people would agree to or use at least most of these truths. If you do not agree with some of the content, and you prefer to send out this letter subject to changes being made, please let us know, because we are happy to negotiate any changes. Sharing this information will help us find people who are genuinely led by God. They could then teach us and pray that we will be led into all truth. This may change many of our views.
Please email me for booklets, and state which ones listed below that you want and how many you want. The first 3 papers print on a single sheet of paper and are the recommended ones to first share with people at this stage. If they want more information you can later give them some of the others.
Many of the booklets, especially further down the page do not have Christianity as their main focus. However, they do include it or at least support Christian values. Such booklets are good for people who are not very interested in Christianity and they can benefit by it being touched on. For example, some people are interested in politics. Giving them a booklet with political solutions with Christian values to help the country could steer them in the correct direction and help others.
Most of the below files take up more than one side of a sheet of paper. For these files, please copy the pages back to back on the one sheet of paper. However, when first printing them you could just print them on one side of the sheet. This could be better if the reverse side goes crooked when you feed the same sheet of paper through the printer again. This is possible as printing can cause the page to curl. However, when the pages that you have printed are photocopied, please make sure that they are copied back to back so that both sides of the sheet are used. For the documents like the first one below where it is stated that they are "4 pages or 1 sheet", all the 4 pages should go one sheet of paper. During photocopying, it is important to check the first copies to ensure that the text or page numbers are not chopped off. Please also check that the borders of the text are parallel to the edge of the page and that the tone is suitable.
Summary and Overview of Many Topics
The content of this paper is the same as the information at http://www.truechristianity.com/christian/salvationbbrief.htm
It contains 4 pages or 1 sheet.
Click here to load the file to print.
Practical solutions and ways to determine if people are led by God
The content of this paper is almost the same as the information at http://www.truechristianity.com/leading.htm
It contains 4 pages or 1 sheet.
Click here to load the file to print.
The Aims and Does Prayer Work
The content of this paper is almost the same as the information at http://www.truechristianity.com/prayerad.htm
It contains 4 pages or 1 sheet.
Click here to load the file to print.
How to Win the Lost
The content of this paper is almost the same as the information at http://www.truechristianity.com/lost.htm
It contains 4 pages or 1 sheet.
Click here to load the file to print.
Letter or advertisement headed "Does Prayer Make a Noticeable Difference?"
The content of this paper is almost the same as the letter at http://www.truechristianity.com/prayerletteremail.htm
It contains 1 page.
Click here to load the file to print.
This same file is also available as a smaller ad. However, each page has two duplicate ads so the pages will need to be neatly cut into two after they are copied. This could be done using a guillotine which should do multiple sheets at once. You can also run a knife along a ruler to cut one page at a time.
Click here to load the file to print.
Are you really saved?
You may be shocked!!
The content of this booklet is the same as the information at http://www.truechristianity.com/christian/saved.htm which is also repeated in part of the full report at http://www.truechristianity.com/christian/salvationbfull.htm
It contains 28 pages or 7 sheets.
Click here to load the file to print.
Suppressed truths
and a Better System
The content of this booklet is the same as the information in all the chapters listed in the full report at http://www.truechristianity.com/christian/salvationbfull.htm
except the ones included in book 1 above and book 3 below.
It contains 40 pages or 10 sheets.
Click here to load the file to print.
An in Depth Study Revealing Something Very Different to What Most Think
The content of this booklet is the same as the information at http://www.truechristianity.com/christian/helldoctrines.htm which is also repeated in part of the full report at http://www.truechristianity.com/christian/salvationbfull.htm
It contains 12 pages or 3 sheets.
Click here to load the file to print.
How to discern True Christianity from False Doctrine
The content of this booklet is the same as the information at http://www.truechristianity.com/true.htm
It contains 4 pages or 1 sheet.
Click here to load the file to print.
Benefits for Christians Who Help the Needy
The content of this booklet is the same as the information at http://www.truechristianity.com/christian/income.htm
It contains 4 pages or 1 sheet.
Click here to load the file to print.
Bible Prophecy Summary
The content of this booklet is the same as the information at http://www.truechristianity.com/prophecy
It contains 4 pages or 1 sheet.
Click here to load the file to print.
Community groups, rare info & solutions to help people
This is a good introductory page to first share with anyone or everyone. It is a short letter summarizing the community groups and plans that I have.
The content of this paper is the same as the information at http://www.advantagein.com/community.htm
It contains 1 page.
Click here to load the file to print.
Summary and Overview of All the Sites linked to advantagein.com or Truesolutions.info
The content of this paper is the same as the information at http://www.advantagein.com/overviewsummary.htm
It contains 4 pages or 1 sheet.
Click here to load the file to print.
Groups to help many people by searching for extraordinary people or methods that are significantly better than those widely available.
The content of this paper is the same as the information at http://www.advantagein.com/extraordinary.htm
It contains 4 pages or 1 sheet.
Click here to load the file to print.
Brief summary or index page titled "True Conspiracies, the Illuminati and One World Government"
The content of this booklet is the same as the information at http://www.trueconspiracies.com/
It contains 8 pages or 2 sheets.
Click here to load the file to print.
Hope & Solutions For Conspiracies & Hidden Problems with:
The Workforce & Education System, Competition, Waste, World Poverty, Inequality & More.
The content of this booklet is the same as the information at http://www.trueconspiracies.com/money.htm
It contains 12 pages or 3 sheets.
Click here to load the file to print.
Many True Conspiracies
The content of this booklet is the same as the information at http://www.trueconspiracies.com/summary.htm
It contains 20 pages or 5 sheets.
Click here to load the file to print.
New Lobby Group to make and save us Billions
For Australia
The content of this booklet is the same as the information at advantagein.com/politics/indexaus.html
It contains 4 pages or 1 sheet.
Click here to load the file to print.
For Other Countries
The content of this booklet is the same as the information at advantagein.com/politics/indexinternational.html
It contains 4 pages or 1 sheet.
Click here to load the file to print.
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Please copy and distribute this information but email me first for details. Shorter articles are available if needed.
Copyright 1998 - 2008 by Richard Hole.