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Proof of why using your
time and money for God's will (such as helping the needy) is best for you.
The money deception -
what earning and keeping excessive money is doing to society.
Proof of statistics
and facts in a different article here
The secret about money,
multinationals and banks.
Suppressed information,
vital for all to read.
Bible scriptures supporting these facts
Who do you think will benefit society the most and who do you think will
benefit society the least or do the most damage to society? You probably
will be surprised. Which of the categories below do you fall into?
a) Someone doing useful volunteer work, who only receives a pension or unemployment assistance. b) A person earning a high income, (e.g. $40000/year) who uses all the money he/she earns in excess of what he/she would earn in a pension to do God's will. c) A person on a very high income, (such as over $100000/year) who gives 40% of his/her money for God's will but chooses to invest the other 60% in banks and corrupt companies which are not a tool for God's purpose. d) The hard working person earning $30000/year, who gives 10% of his/her income to the poor. The remainder is put into banks and corrupt companies which are not a tool for God' purpose. e) A person on the dole doing nothing at all. f) An honest self employed person or small business with a useful and essential service. He/She is struggling to survive financially and would only be able to afford as much as a pensioner despite being very clever and trying hard. Many people think money can be made and kept without hurting others. But the fact is money can either only be transferred from one person to another or borrowed from banks as interest bearing debt. When banks create money from nothing and lend it at interest, it increases inflation and debt. This gives more wealth and power to the bankers and less to the average person and the country. Apart from banks, people earning and keeping more money than they need, mostly
have to take money that is either:
To gain money, it has to come from somewhere to the disadvantage of someone or something else. This however is not a problem if the person receiving the money uses it for God's will. God's will could be helping others or sharing the truth with people. It could also involve buying tools to achieve this. To calculate a person's benefit to society take the amount of money he/she should fairly be earning, based on what most hard working people in the country are earning. Then subtract from it the amount of money they are really taking from society for themselves, which is not used to help others or for God's will. Everyone needs some money for himself/herself for necessities. In the example this is considered to be the pension rate and is taken as $10000 in the below example, which would be higher for families and different for different countries. This is approximately the medium income in countries of high standards of living and well above the amount most people in the world would receive. This includes many people in small businesses who work 100 hours a week and unemployed people trying hard to find work. In many situations where people only spend money on necessary expenses or for God's will, this amount is not adequate to keep people above the poverty line. These people should be assisted more. On the other hand this amount would be too much for some people with low expenses who buy unnecessary things or for people with have large assets, savings or family support payments that are not used for God's will.
a) The unpaid volunteer worker deserves at least $12000/yr for his/her work. He/She
would only take about $10000/yr from the Government for unemployment assistance.
b) The person earning $40000/yr who uses all money earned in excess of
a pension for God's will would also only take $10000/yr for himself/herself.
He/She would deserve $12000/yr, although many harder working people would
get less than him/her.
c) The person earning $100000/yr who gives $40000/yr for God's will takes
$60000/yr from society for themselves. They would deserve $12000/yr, or even
less as many harder working people would get less than them.
d) The hard working person earning $30000/yr, who gives 10% of his/her
income to the poor would still be taking ($30000/yr - 10%) $27000/yr from society
for himself/herself.
e) A person doing nothing at all on the dole would be taking about $10000/yr
from society and not contributing anything. Therefore their net benefit
would be
f) The self employed or small business person could benefit society
by $12000/yr, but if he/she was a hard worker with a very useful service like
many small businessmen he could benefit society by more. But to avoid the
perception of bias consider the benefit to be $12,000/yr. They would still
may need to take $10000/yr from their customers to survive.
Therefore the only two groups of people who benefit society and others are: 1. People earning no more than a pension, who are either volunteer workers doing something beneficial for society or beneficial businesses that work hard. Volunteer work could be just freely helping someone with a necessity or it could be doing ministry or informing people of the truth. 2. People earning more than a pension who use all money earned in excess of approximately what they would receive if on a pension, to do God's will. People who don't use all their money for God's will:
Lending money to true Christian charities is a good idea as you could reclaim your savings in future for another Godly purpose. Also your money will be used for Godly purposes. If you receive a lump sum of money it is best to invest it in land until you find something better to do with it. This could also be used for the purpose of housing Christians and a church. It is important to note that only a small percentage of charities and churches would be worth investing in. Some may help the poor but do not promote the full gospel. This is better than hording unused money in a corrupt bank or company where it is likely you will lose your lifesavings. Also it is wrong under God's law to lend money at interest to other Christians or people in your local country (Duet 23:19). An exception would be for some people who are forced to invest money somewhere against their will. An example would be the case of injury compensation where they are forced to invest money in a public trusty as part of the condition of the claim. This is so their money will be available to pay for future care and expensive equipment to increase independence. Unfortunately in these cases there is no choice where the money can be invested without risky legal battles. Most money is spent on unnecessary things. This is destroying society by increasing: personal and national debt, poverty, unemployment, time wasting, corruption, crime, and ungodlyness as spending time and money on these things is preventing people spending it on useful things to help stop the above. Unnecessary things include those mentioned in question 6. You might argue and say this spending is helping the economy as the government figures would indicate so. But this is deceptive as all it is doing is helping unnecessary industries and multinationals that take money away from useful ones. The multinationals who are about the only ones who really benefit are therefore gaining more money and poor people who can't afford essential things, are gaining less. This is therefore giving greater control to the multinationals and bankers at the expense to the community. This therefore gives more control to the powerful so they can enforce a one world dictatorship sooner. Please see http://www.trueconspiracies.com for more information. Tools for someone to do God's will could include a basic house, car, computer and other practical things, but only if they are necessary to do God's will and only if they are used for God's will and don't have any more expensive features than needed. The more excess money one keeps or uses or invests in the wrong things, the more damage they will cause society. What if God compares keeping and using money for yourself to thieving as it has the same result, just one is legal and the other is illegal under mans law. d) could be considered by God to steal $13000/year and c) could be considered by God to steal $48000/year. Just imagine how many lives could be saved by this money. God may hold them accountable for something similar to mass murder, as keeping excess money for themselves is causing many people to die. It is also destroying the country's economy along with many lives. They would be a much better help to others if they earned no more than a pension. Even people doing nothing at all on the dole are doing less damage to society than people earning higher incomes if those on higher incomes don't give almost all their income in excess of a pension for God's will. So it is important to volunteer to do God's will and not want or keep excess money for yourself. The best volunteer work you can do is either indirectly or directly informing people of the Gospel. Please bookmark this page at http://www.truechristianity.com/christian/income.htm |
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You can also navigate to individual pages below:
Proof why donating money to God's will, helping the poor, & volunteer work is best for you
Who benefits society the most?; A volunteer worker?; High income earner?; or Investor?
Money distribution. How earning and misusing money hurts others.
Which people benefit society the most? Income equality and help for poor people.
Volunteer workers benefit society more than income earners who keep their money.
Investing money in charities helps everyone.
Most money is spent on unnecessary things. This is destroying society by increasing personal and national debt, poverty, unemployment, time wasting, corruption, crime & ungodliness.
Christian tools needed for God's will.