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If you have not read the first part of this question Click here before continuing. Jesus loves you and he would love to see you become Christians, so you can be blessed in heaven. I would like to see everyone including you more well off in this life. It would be good if everyone could easily find paid work and only work a small number of hours to receive plenty of spare money and time for God's will. The problem is this is not the case. Most people are much worse off than you. The term "excess money" below means the money you receive in earnings or profit minus what you would receive if you only received a pension or unemployment assistance. For example if you earn $25,000/year, but if you were on a pension or unemployed you would only receive $10,000/year, your excess money would be $15,000/year. This is only an estimation as God may consider that you actually have more excess money than this, as only a small percentage of people in the world receive excess money. Savings would also be considered excess money. Congratulations if you earn more than a pension and use all your excess money for God's will. You are considered innocent if you are using your income in excess of a pension, to pay off a debt that resulted from trying to do God's will. God's will can include many things such as helping others, lobbying people to support the sincere hard working needy, or helping missions and ministries. It could include purchasing tools for God's will. If you think, why should I give or use all the money to God's purpose that I worked so hard for, just remember the poor honest Christian people who worked harder than you, who suffer health problems due to their trauma of not earning anything, and being denied a right to do God's will as a result. If you earn more than a pension and unless you give or use all money you earn in excess of what you would earn if you only recieved a pension for God's will, you are guilty of taking other peoples jobs and income away, bankrupting or destroying small businesses that are normally earning much less than yourself and stopping people doing God's will by denying them the funds. Therefore you are stopping people from hearing the gospel and getting saved. Also you will be partly responsible for other peoples poverty, trauma, illness along with suicides, mental problems and crimes by unfortunate people. Perhaps you could be considered as bad as a criminal in God's sight and it is money that is either directly taken from poor people by you or money they deserve but you are wrongfully accepting. This is like thieving and murder if it leads to someone else's death. If you work for a small business manager and you earn $25,000 a year and only work 40 hrs a week. The poor honest small business manager is among the vast majority of people who are victims of greed and corruption. He is losing money and has a net earning of less than a pensioner despite innovatively working or slaving hard for over 60 hrs a week. But you are taking from him much more that you really need to survive while you watch the manager destructing into poverty and maybe suicide. This you would be partially responsible for if you don't use your excess money for God's will. If you don't, you are probably seen as an unloving, greedy viper and hypocrite that destroys honest peoples lives in God's sight. This is the nature of evil. Unless public servants use their excess money for God's will instead of themselves, public servants could be another example of unloving criminals who take more than what they need from the government. Some highly qualified people have unsuccessfully tried hard to get jobs for 10 or 20 years. They even said they were on the verge of suicide on national television. If you are taking the positions they want and not using your excess money for God's will, you could be guilty in God's sight for causing their deaths. If you want wage rises that increase costs, cause others unemployment, and destroy small business you could be even a worse criminal. Every hard worker is entitled to a wage. So why are you not using your excess money, or time to fight for the rights of those slaving in poverty, (for no more than pensioners wage) all around you, instead of greedily trying to grab more for yourself. If you destroy small business, there will be mass unemployment and slave labour, under multinational control. Surely you must be intelligent enough not to want this. If you support strike action that hurts poorer people than yourself you could be considered the worst, most evil criminal of all. Even worse you probably encourage or deceive others by telling them that they must try to earn more money than a pension. You are also encouraging them to take jobs away from others and wrongfully use their money on enjoyments, entertainments, fashions, unnecessary possessions, and investments in ungodly places that don't need it. You are lying to your family and friends, and encouraging them to do things which both destroy their lives and give them no time for God (Question 5). You should be telling others to volunteer to do God's will instead. You are probably also encouraging others to be proud of their paid jobs, and you are probably also proud of having a job which is evil. Your motive should be to work to help others and not for money for yourself. Very few small businessmen are fortunate enough to have a net earning of more than a pension. If you do, but don't use your profits for God's will, you are guilty of unfairly competing against and destroying other small businesses. That means you need to use all your excess money for God's will. The only other option is you give your paid occupation to someone who will use the income wisely for God's will and you do volunteer work earning at the pension rate. This could include helping the needy or doing God's ministry. If you do you will still have more money than most others who often work harder and are more clever than yourself. If you don't, how can you watch other hard working, honest, Christian people dying and suffering in poverty all around you, and not help them. God commands that you repent and follow him which means asking for forgiveness and doing his will, otherwise you are the children of the devil and you are going to hell. If you are saving money or investing money for yourself and not using it, or planning to use it for God's will, you could be guilty of denying others the funds to do God's ministry. Also you are partly responsible for causing others to suffer in poverty. If you don't use your savings for God's will, you will soon lose your money anyway, when the economy collapses or you die. If you are unemployed or on a pension you should do volunteer work to help the needy or freely do God's ministry which would involve many different occupations. You could start working hard today. Don't waste your time and money trying to earn an income in excess of a pension which will only take someone else's career off them or prevent someone else getting a career where there are not enough career opportunities to go around. There are plenty of opportunities for ministry or helping people. Under the current corrupted system, trying to earn more money than a pension, is almost as bad as trying to gain money by gambling on a poker machine or casino. Often it also involves working or studying in a system infiltrated with evil philosophies and evil organisations such as the Illuminati and Trade Unions. People with little chance of finding paid employment would be better off being satisfied with what money they are receiving. The apostles did not seek to earn more money than a pension. Mostly they did only unpaid work for God's ministry. Stop wasting your time and money on unnecessary things which could be considered idols or evil in God's sight, such as the things mentioned in question 6. Instead use your time and money for God's ministry and helping those in need. If you make satisfactory income it does not mean to say you are more clever or hard working than people who don't. It is just that you were fortunate to be in the right place to meet the right people at the right time. If you were unfortunate like being born in a poor country you probably would be in poverty and maybe crying out for other people to help you. By saying you are better than others by being successful is wrongfully putting yourself above others who are more hard working and more innovative than yourself. For example you may have randomly contacted only 20 people in a days work and very fortunately found the one person in your country of 19 million who can team with you and make you succeed. But someone else marketing in the best possible way spent years and enormous expense advertising and made one million people aware of what he needs but could not find the one person who could help him. How can a financially fortunate person like you say you are better than other people. Under the current corrupt system you have to be fortunate to succeed financially. If you do, but don't use your money wisely, you deny someone who works harder than you the opportunity to succeed financially. If you don't use your time or money for God's will and to lobby for a better future, you will have no future. Do you care about your future and your families and friends future? If you do spreading the gospel would be top priority. God will forgive you if you accept Jesus and repent. (end of speech or letter) The disciples offended many, were put in prison and were killed for their bold testimony, but they also won many to God. The people they influenced were more committed than most today, as the bold testimony of the apostles example motivated them to put their life right. (a) Should we be saying something like the above to the people of today? (b) Is there a fair chance that all people who don't obey the above will go to hell, remembering the following verses? 1John 3:17 - But whoso hath this world's good, and seeth his brother have need, and shutteth up his bowels of compassion from him, how dwelleth the love of God in him? Luke3:11 - He answereth and saith unto them, He that hath two coats, let him impart to him that hath none; and he that hath meat, let him do likewise. Mark 10:21 Then Jesus beholding him loved him, and said unto him, One thing thou lackest: go thy way, sell whatsoever thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come, take up the cross, and follow me. 23 And Jesus looked round about, and saith unto his disciples, How hardly shall they that have riches enter into the kingdom of God! Revelation 21:8 But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death. 45 Then shall he answer them, saying, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye did it not to one of the least of these, ye did it not to me. 46 And these shall go away into everlasting punishment: but the righteous into life eternal. (c) Would they be as bad as a criminal in God's sight? (d) Does it make someone a liar, who deserves to die, (like Ananias and Sapphira) in God's sight, if they advise others they should be earning more than a pension, instead of doing God's will? |
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You can also navigate to individual pages below but it is much better to see the whole forum instead.
As God loves us, why do so many not succeed?
Does God lead us, because Christian groups disagree?
How do Christians stay committed to God if faced with a trauma and why are prayers unanswered?
Many questions including: Why are Christians confused and why do Bible verses appear to contradict themselves?; Why didn't God destroy the Devil long ago?; How did God come into being?; Are all non-believers tormented in hell for eternity?
Should Christians be earning excessive money, while such poverty and corruption exist?
Should Christians participate in or buy: competitive sport, education, investments, toys, parties, jewelry, cosmetics, fashions, ornaments, decorations, Christmas trees, pets, Easter eggs, unhealthy food, gambling, drugs, souvenirs, entertainments, enjoyments, novels, and movies?
Should the Christian church be bold like Jesus Christ and the Apostles?
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